Chronic or acute pain resulting from such problems as Achilles tendonitis or rupture, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, plantar fibromas, Morton's neuroma, general tendonitis or capsulitis, ankle sprains or strains, and cystic masses can be more easily treated with the use of this specialized diagnostic instrumentation. The examination is totally painless and can be performed in less than half an hour. Most insurance companies provide coverage for the exam.

If you are suffering from chronic foot pain associated with soft-tissue injury or disease, diagnostic ultrasound could help in obtaining an accurate diagnosis of foot or ankle problem.

diagnostic ultrasound

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Associated Podiatrists can now visualize the soft tissues of the foot, leading to a more concise diagnosis and, therefore, more efficient treatment of the pathology.

Ultrasound diagnosis is performed with high-frequency sound waves - higher than range of human hearing. Visualization of soft-tissue structures is created when the ultrasound beam is transmitted into the foot, and echoes are reflected from the structures. The echoes are then seen on a small television-live screen.

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